05 August, 2015

Baby NA's Birth Story

9 months has passed by but I still remember vividly every details on the day she was born.
Nov 2nd, 2014.

I woke up a bit earlier than I do most days. So I went to the washroom to prepare for my Subh prayer. I had a show, the mucus plug came out at last as a sign of birth, it must be today. Yeay! I will be in labour later today. I wake my husband up but he didn't move so I whispered in his ears "someone is coming today" and he opened his eyes "are you joking?". I laughed and replied "No, I'm not, I see some blood, it's 1 of the signs". "Should we go to the hospital now?" "No, let's wait, I didn't feel the contractions pain yet"

So, we performed our prayers and just wait.
Around 7-8am, I told my mother in law, "Don't you want to go to he hospital yet?" And I said "No, I don't feel any pain yet". I know she wants us to go to the hospital right away but I decided not to until....

Around 12pm, my husband asked me again to go to the hospital just to be sure and yes of course my mother in law was the one who forced him to. Well, it's our first time, and everyone was very nervous about it, so to satisfy everyone to the hospital we go. The hospital was only 5 minute away by car. At the hospital, it was very quiet not like any other goverment hospital I have been to. The nurses were very friendly, they asked me am I in pain or not, what signs has shown and etc. When it's time for them to check the opening I was little bit nervous since it's my 1st time, so I don't really know what to expect. Alhamdulillah, it was not painfull at all. So it was only 2cm at the moment. They decided not to keep warded, so ya I can go home, the nurse said "your home is very near and it's better for you to be surrounded by your family in time of contractions". By the way, I remembered one of the nurses asked me while she look at the machine that calculate the contractions time "don't you feel the pain?" "Nope" "really?cause it's high" and I just smiled. I really don't feel any pain at that time.
Before we went home, I asked if I can have 1 last KFC before my confinement days. So we went to the KFC which happen to be my last meal, well the food that we bought there was  enough for lunch & dinner. I felt my very first contraction pain while I was crossing the road from the KFC outlet back to our car. It was painfull but beareable. We went home, have our lunch, performed Zuhr prayer while enjoying every moment of contractions.

After Asr, I can still endure the pain but it was less apart. I can still watch tv, ate and recites the Quran.


The contraction pain makes me restless. I cannot sleep at all but I can still eat. Hihi, But I need a lot of energy for birthing process. . I recites Surah Maryam repeatedly and zikr while enjoying the contraction. I can still talk with my husband and mother in law and chatting with friends through whatsapp.

After Maghrib, the contraction were more intense, I don't know how but I feel more comfortable by swaying my body to the left and right while contraction. The moves make me calmer and the pain felt lesser compare to siting still or laying on bed, My husband helped by rubbing my back while reciting Zikr.

By midnight, all of us were tired, but not my body. The contractions last about 5-10 minutes and were 3-5 minutes apart. I even vomit once, maybe because I was too tired. I told my husband that maybe it's time so let's go to the hospital. 12.30 am, at the hospital, the nurse told me it was still 2cm. I felt like crying that time, I thought after almost 12 hours in pain I can finally gave birth but no. So of we go, back to home. I vomit for the second time at the hospital before I went out from the examination room.

At home, my husband try to calm me by reciting zikir and rubbing my back. Me? Hmm.. I was screaming. ahahaha. But really, I was reciting the zikr and calling Allah out loud. Okay, I was screaming. hehe. Not the whole time, maybe. I keep swaying my body which I find lessen the pain and tried to keep myself calm. But sometimes, I can't really hold myself but to scream. Pity my husband and mother in law, both of them can't sleep since I was screaming. LOL.

At 3.30 am, I really felt the urge to push, I went to the toilet followed by my husband. I thought I was pooping but my husband said "There's a lot of blood, sayang, Let's go to the hospital". The urges to push were very strong, when the car hits a bump it felt like something is coming out under there.

At the hospital, I felt the contraction right after I lay my back on the bed in the examination room but I can still talk to the nurse and asked her to wait a minute while I am still feeling the contraction. The nurse check the opening, but she was confused. LOL. She couldn't feel it, she said it was too soft. So a senior nurse came and check me. Finally, it was already 10 cm, so they quickly prepare everything and took me to the labour room. I was very happy and forgot all about the pain. I do not even felt any pain as I remember.

At the labour room, they asked me to change and wear the operation clothes or whatever they call it. It was freezing in there. Since I'm giving birth in a government hospital, so I cannot choose the doctor and that morning a Chinese male doctor was in duty. So, my husband already asked earlier so that only the nurses can be in the labour room to assist me while giving birth. Alhamdulillah, the doctor was outside the room the whole time and only check on my baby after I gave birth outside the labour room.

After I changed, I quickly lay my back on the bed. LOL. I cannot wait anymore but to see my dear baby sooner. The nurse poke the membrane I don't know using what but when the water burst out it felt very warm and relaxing. She asked me to try to push just to know whether I know how to push or not. At that time, the urges came so I don't even think how to push or pushing because she told me to, I was just following what my body told me, I just let go and let me body do the job. She quickly asked another nurse to call my husband, I remember the nurse said "The baby nearly came out, I'm afraid that the baby can't wait for your husband. You're really good, do you went to a birthing class?"

My husband came, I smiled to him and the urges came. The nurse told us, she can see the baby's head, my husband had a peaked to. He said, "You can do this sayang, you are almost there".
Another strong urges came, and there, out the baby goes. Welcome to the world my dear.

"Tell me, is it a boy or girl?" asked the nurse

Alhamdulillah. At 4.01 am, Monday, 3rd of November 2014, I gave birth to baby NA

My husband hugged and gave me a kiss. Before he went, I asked him "She is cute, isn't she?". After several days, I asked him what he did before and after he went out the labour room. He said, before he went in, he was reciting yassin for me, but he didn't finished even a page when the nurse came and asked him to go to labour room, after he went out he hugged his mother and cried. :D

I didn't know the nurse cut a little during labour until she said she need to sew me a little. It felt nothing when she cut it but I felt like kicking her while she sew. It was really painful, a lot more than the contraction pain. It doesn't feel anything when she sew the inner part but when it came to the skin, I can only pray to Allah so that I would not had an episiotomy again in the future. My legs were shaking not because of the pain but it was freezing in the labour room. They nurses told me that there were meconium stain when the water broke, so they have to make sure that my baby did not swallowed any, before they gave her to me.

In a few minutes after that, my baby came in and the put her on me. Alhamdulillah I was able to breastfeed her. After she had her first meal, the nurse took her to measure her weight, height and head circumference. She was only 2.66 kg. Very small baby but with chubby cheeks. They put on maternity pads which I really hate since it need to be tie and made me struggled to untie it later. I would never wore it again, it was very difficult to untie, I was about to call the nurse to cut it for me but I didn't because I was shy. LOL. After that, I changed to the hospital clothes, got on the wheel chair and they pushed me to the maternity ward.

I was in maternity ward class 3, there were 2 sides of the ward, the other side was already full, so I was alone on the other side of the ward. But I'm okay with it since I have a little bit of privacy because I have the toilet all by myself since the other side got their own toilet. Haha.

So, giving birth in a government hospital is not that bad at all. Emmm. Maybe because I gave birth in a new built hospital and the crowd here were not as many as in the big city. But after all, Alhamdulillah. Thanked God I don't have to go through such bad experience like any other had.

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